Tuesday 14 May 2024

Pix of the Sunday 12 May event 'Something Better Change'

Thank you to everyone who attended Sunday's event which was our 27th. Here are some snaps of the authors in action on the stage. They are in the order in which they performed.

Many thanks to Angela Fitch for these images.

Melanie Golding reads 'Yams'

Joel Levy reads 'The Changeling'

Jess Blatchley reads 'Variety'

Clare Hudman reads 'Deadwood Tom'

Philip Douch reads 'That Summer'

Claire Greenwood reads 'That Summer' with Philip Douch

Jacob Parker reads 'White Elephant'

Natalie Lee reads 'Dry Land Selkie'

Nick Adams reads 'In the Future you will have a Transmutation Box'

Robin Booth reads 'Ebb'

David Goodland reads 'Something to Fill the Void'