Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Stroud Short Stories Anthology 2015-18 is mentioned in Best British Short Stories 2019

I interrupt our promotion of the next SSS event (details on how to submit below), to tell you that we are absolutely thrilled that Nicholas Royle, the editor of the annual publication Best British Short Stories, has referred to our anthology in the newly-published Best British Short Stories 2019.

He also specifically praised the stories 'The Thief' by Alex Clark (p.83) and 'The Journey to Everywhere' (p.222) by Joanna Campbell. Praise indeed.

Encouraged by the publication of a story by my co-judge Chloe Turner in BBSS 2018, I sent Nicholas a copy of our anthology on publication. Given how many hundreds of anthologies are published each year I am chuffed he liked it enough to refer to it in his forward.

The anthology is still available. More about it here.