John Holland writes-
After much consideration, I have selected the following stories to be
read by the authors -
(In alphabetic order of author's surname)
Peter Adams For
the Darkness, a Light
Mary Brown Looking at the Wall
Meredith Debonnaire Containment
Anna Gerrard Debt
to Society
Clare Hudman How Pirates are made
Ruby Kester Singing the Pigs to Slaughter
Katherine Mitchell Holding On
Simon Piney The Clever Wish
Robert Smith
Doctor Grey's Curious Obsession
Rick Vick
Congratulations to the ten authors chosen. I am so looking forward to
meeting them and hearing them read their stories on the night.
As co-organiser of Stroud Short Stories for the first time, I have loved
every single second of reading the record-breaking fifty stories submitted. It
has been a real pleasure and a true honour. I am really grateful to everyone
who submitted a story.
The overall quality of the submissions has been very high. Based on the
number of excellent stories I received, I could have comfortably organised two,
or even three, reading events of ten stories each.
Stroud Short Stories will be held at SVA in John Street, Stroud at 8pm
on 25 May.
I have called the event “Doctor Grey’s Curious Obsession and Other